If you’ve been on social media throughout the month of October, you may have seen the hashtag #Inktober going around. My curiosity got the best of me and soon enough I spent an hour scrolling through the hashtag. From one profile to another we found two artists that were willing to describe what Inktober is.

The event Inktober is where visual artists create an illustration using ink mediums everyday for the month of October. It is a chance to challenge and test endurance in method and creativity (all of which is totally optional).
This is my first (and probably last) year doing Inktober. I decided to do it this year just to see what it was like, and the works I would come out with. It is most definitely a challenge and something that really exhausts creativity (which the reason why I probably won’t be doing this again for a long while.) Although it is a pain, it pushes me to my limits and is a way to see how I deal with such an overload, something that could become useful in the long run; with the hopes of having a future in the visual arts.


To me, Inktober is a challenge to draw traditionally everyday. It doesn’t really seem much of a challenge, but as someone who focuses on the digital arts, it is a nice constant reminder that drawing traditionally is both healthy and fun for a growing, learning artist! It is a great learning exercise for everyone to push yourself to draw something everyday.